

At Basic Beginnings we provide a loving and warm environment for your child. We believe that all children learn best when they feel safe and secure. Your child will be held, cuddled and sung to throughout the day. We offer our teachers regular, ongoing training in Early Childhood Education, so that they may best attend to the needs of your child at this most important stage of development. Your infant or toddler will be given opportunities to sit up, crawl, pull up, walk and explore their new environment. Be assured that our staff is always close by to lend a helping hand when needed giving your child praise and encouragement along the way. Your infant will be held when bottle-fed. We will sing, dance, and read to your child throughout the day. Parents are encouraged to offer suggestions on routines or schedules so that Basic Beginnings may give your special little one the best possible start at the center. Our Infant Program consists of two rooms and is designed for babies, newborn to 15 months.

Our first infant room is specifically designed to meet the needs of the non-mobile infant. We provide a warm and loving environment, individualized schedules, a keepsake daily journal and teachers who are knowledgeable in infant development. Our curriculum is designed to stimulate, engage and nurture your young infant.

Our second infant room is designed for mobile infants. There are opportunities to creep, crawl, pull self-up, walk, climb and practice self-help skills. Our environment and curriculum is designed to provide each Infant with a wide array of developmentally appropriate sensory, motor and language based experiences in a warm and nurturing setting.


We are always on the go in our Toddler Program. Our toddlers are divided into 2 rooms. One for the younger toddler 15 to 24 months and the other for the older toddler ages 24 to 33 months. Our Toddler Program follows NAYEC approved and recommended creative curriculum. Your toddler’s day is filled with sensory motor experiences, repetition and language.


Our Preschool Program introduces your 3, 4 and 5 year old child to a variety of preschool activities. Your child will have many experiences exploring and discovering math and science, pre-writing and pre-reading skills as well as language based activities. We also offer sensory motor experiences, role playing and computers. Our outdoor space encourages large motor challenges. Our preschool curriculum is based on the Massachusetts Early Childhood standards written by the Department of Education.


Our Pre-Kindergarten program is for 4 and 5 year olds. Here children will continue to learn and expand upon the same curriculum from our preschool program but with a focus on kindergarten readiness. Children enrolled within our pre-k program will learn skills such as reading, writing, simple addition, subtraction, and more.

Our Programs

Learn more about our exceptional curriculum and educational programs.

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Hours of Operation

Basic Beginnings Haverhill
Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday
Basic Beginnings Nashua
6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Open nights and weekends

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Click here to schedule a tour and enroll your child at Basic Beginnings.

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